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​​​​​​​​Group Strategy, Policy Coordination & Relations​
Strategy and Relations

​Ensure tighter control, uniformity and synergy between strategy, integrated planning and performance monitoring and evaluation.

Provide leadership, standards and oversight on corporate strategy, policy, research, information, surveys

Provide policy and strategy content as input to cluster support

Strategy and Policy benchmarking research (emerging/new issues), corporate surveys & information

Intergovernmental liaison on strategy issues focusing on the National & Provincial Planning Commissions / SALGA / Metros and emerging GCR

Enhance the long-term strategic positioning of the COJ nationally and internationally.

International relations and obligations – research and content support to OoEM

Provide consolidated feedback to City Manager/COO i.t.o. cluster outcomes alignment and processes

​- Labour Contract Strategy​
- International Relation​s Strategy​​​​​​​​​​
- City of Johannesburg International Relat​ions Newsletter (Marang)
- City of Johannesburg Nationa​l Flag Bank
- Statistical Briefs​​
City of Johannesburg Official Passport Guidelines

Innovation and Knowledge Management​
  • Enhance the COJ as a “learning organisation” and ensure replication and promotion of “best practice”
  • Provide leadership, standards and oversight to the Group on Knowledge Management practice.
  • Provide leadership, standards and oversight to the Group on Innovation practice. (Promote the uptake of External and Internal Innovation)
  • Concept incubation - new ideas / projects to support GDS 2040 strategy
  • Driver of SMART CITY strategy and initiative & partnerships towards municipal university.
  • Custodian of Relations with Higher Education institutions (MoU and all related institutional mechanisms)​
  • ​Coordinate City spend on Research & Development & develop an organisational repository
​Monitoring and Evaluation
  • To ensure tighter control, uniformity and synergy between strategy and reporting, and informed strategic decision making by the executive
  • To provide strategic performance (M&E) content as input to Clusters
  • To provide leadership, standards and oversight to the Group on all M&E Reporting related issues.
  • M&E policy and frameworks
  • Impact and Outcome Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
  • Impact and Outcome Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks
  • Provision of content for reporting
  • Track the implementation of key cluster programmes
  • Provide consolidated feedback to City Manager/COO i.t.o. cluster M&E
​Integrated and Community Based Planning​
  • ​Drive and manage the processes of strategic planning in the CoJ, which allow for effective and efficient business planning that would determine delivery requirements for the Institutional Performance Management System
  • Operationalise Corporate Strategy - Integrated planning policy and frameworks (5 year IDP, Annual IDP’s, Business Plans and SDBIP)
  • Manage and oversee the development of community based planning and ensure its integration into the city’s planning process
  • Drive the City intergovernmental alignment initiatives in the City’s medium and short term planning process
  • Coordination of the City’s strategic planning processes
  • Equip the Executive with strategic information in relation to the medium term planning and (IDP)
  • Provide consolidated feedback to City Manager/COO i.t.o. cluster planning processes
​​Management Support Services​​​
To ensure the provision of strategic and administrative support and transversal business solutions to enable the Department and its delivery units to effectively and efficiently deliver on their mandate.
  • Administration
  • Planning and Budgeting
  • Procurement
  • Business Planning
  • Office Management