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City invites sports fratenity to strengthen relations


A Member of the Mayoral Committee for Community Development in the City of Johannesburg, Councillor Nandi Mayathula – Khoza, will convene a regional meeting with all sports and recreation stakeholders on Saturday, 17 February 2007, at 09h00, at the Braamfontein Conference and Recreation Centre, in Braamfontein.

The aim of the meeting is to present the sport and recreation business plan and scorecard for the City of Johannesburg.

Progress made so far, and the challenges experienced, will also be outlined. All stakeholders are invited to attend, give their feedback on progress so far and spell out where they would look to possible changes.

Councillor Mayathula-Khoza asked that as many stakeholders as possible attend as their input is vital. She felt that representatives from sport and recreation federations and clubs, sports councils and aquatics federations should attend.

The gathering will afford sport federations, sport clubs and all stakeholders an opportunity to engage with the MMC on how best can the City improve its services and make Johannesburg an African Sporting City of Choice.

Issued on behalf of Community Development by the Public Liaison Department:
Nthatisi Modingoane
Media Liaison Officer
Tel: (011) 407 7354
Fax: 403 3494
Cell: 082 467 9228

Media Enquiries
Junior Ramovha
Regional Manager: Sport and Recreation
Tel: (011) 274-4800 or 082 464 9504
Fax: (011) 274-4801