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 Indigent customers urged to respond to letters requesting documentation


The City of Johannesburg is in the process of finalising outstanding issues regarding people who registered for the Municipal Services Subsidy scheme last year and had their arrear debt written off.

According to the City's Revenue & Customer Relations Management Department Executive Director, Ms Vicky Shuping a recent audit of the files of the customers who registered for the scheme last year showed that some were incomplete.

"We would like our customers to be aware that some of them will be receiving letters from us requesting that they present themselves at their nearest customer service centre with the required documentation," she says.

Shuping says many of the customers concerned had already received letters but had not responded to the request.

"The granting of the subsidy (and the subsequent write off of arrear debt) was conditional on the applicant providing certain documentation. In the event that we are unable to get the documentation, we will have no choice but to reverse the arrear debt written off which will then be reflected on their statement," she says.

Customers who have questions about this can call Joburg Connect at (011) 375 5555 for further information.


Issued by:
Nthatisi Modingoane
Media Liaison Officer
Tel: (011) 407 7354
Fax: 403 3494
Cell: 082 467 9228