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Talks on safety for scholars


Talks on safety for scholars

The recent spate of deaths of schoolchildren on the city’s roads has led to an initiative where the Johannesburg Roads Agency and principals of primary schools will together look to solutions to improve scholar safety.

This will be one of the initiatives of the city during Transport Month, which kicks off on Monday, 1 October 2007.

Transport Month is a national campaign aimed at educating the public about the benefits of using public transport as well good environmental management.

This year, the City of Johannesburg will focus on four different areas – safety in transport, public transport, transport infrastructure and non-motorised transport.

Car Free Day will be on Saturday, October 20.

“We have a different approach this year – we’ll close off part of Grant Avenue in Norwood so that pedestrians and cyclists can use the street, and restaurants will set their tables up in the streets. We’re doing it this way to focus attention on the importance of this day”, said Rehana Moosajee MMC Transport at the City of Johannesburg.

October will be a busy month, she explained: “We have a dozen different programmes spread throughout the month - we want to educate and entertain the citizens of Johannesburg.”

In alignment with the weekly themes proposed by the National Department of Transport for the month, the City of Johannesburg’s Transportation Department will undertake various events to increase public awareness within Johannesburg in order to promote sustainable transport solutions.

Week 1: Safety in all modes

Launch of a Mobile Education Unit and Mascot
A mascot representing transportation along with a technologically advanced vehicle will be launched on 2 October 2007. The purpose of this unit along with the mascot is to enable the department to provide comprehensive safety education to disadvantaged communities.

Transport Exhibition
A transportation exhibition will be coordinated where different organisations will jointly exhibit on transportation initiatives. All participants will exhibit and communicate transport related trends or major initiatives and projects that each organisation contributes to the City.

Date 02 October 2007 at Sci Bono Exhibition Centre – 10h00 – 12h30

Pedestrian Safety – Placard Demonstrations
This event will see scholars proudly display placards designed by themselves to drivers with safety messages requesting them to be aware of pedestrians especially scholars.

Scholars will display placards outside their schools at the nearest main road. A minimum of 20 schools have already confirmed their participation and they will display placards sponsored by the AA.

Pedestrian Safety Awareness Campaign
This event will be held in locations in the Inner City and Soweto to bring about awareness on pedestrian safety using street mimes. Informational pamphlets will also be handed at these locations.

The locations are : Old Potch and Nicholas Street, Roodepoort Rd and Main Rd in Soweto on 4 October. Sauer St and Bree St and Von Wielligh between Plein St and Jeppe St on 5 October in the Inner City.

Think Bike Campaign
Various busy intersections have been targeted by the Think Bike organisation to distribute informational pamphlets to drivers to be aware of bikers utilising our roads.
Week 2: Public Transport

Transport in the Struggle
A timeline study depicting transport from 1886 to 2006 will be launched at Sci Bono. This display will highlight issues on the role of transportation in the struggle and the origination and history of our current transport services.
Transport Dialogue
A discussion that will be facilitated around major transportation issues. This event will see various organisations being allowed to air their views in a structured format.

Metrobus Customer Service Workshop
Metrobus will provide training for their bus drivers at various depots on     customer service provision.

Train the Trainer – Customer Service Workshop for the Taxi Industry
Representatives selected by the taxi associations will be trained to facilitate customer service workshops for taxi drivers.

Week 3: Infrastructure

Student Council – Transport
The city’s student council will sit in a meeting to discuss major transportation projects.

Car Free Day – Grant
A portion of the Grant Ave from Dorothy Road to Ivy Road will be closed for use by restaurants and members of the public for walking and cycling, amongst other things.

 Week 4: Non-Motorised Transport

Launch of Cycle Lanes in Soweto
The Johannesburg Roads Agency will launch cycle lanes in Soweto. Bicycles for selected learners will be sponsored by the JRA.

Environmental Awareness Campaign
The aim of this exercise is to set-up an air quality monitoring station near an intersection to monitor the effects of vehicle pollution on our environment. Pamphlets will also be designed to inform drivers on the effects of private cars on the environment.

Principals Seminar of Safety
With the recent deaths of scholars on our roads, the JRA will host a discussion with principals of primary schools on possible solutions to improve scholar safety.

For more information: 

Kgamanyane Maphologela
Media Liaison
Public Liaison Department
City of Johannesburg                         
Telephone: 011 407 7271
Fax: 011 403 3494
Cell: 082 771 4874