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2010-03-03: Public hearing on draft swimming pool bylaw  ​

The City of Johannesburg is planning a public hearing before finalising the new bylaw on the safe guarding of swimming pools. 

The public hearing is scheduled for Saturday 13 March 2010 from 9h00 to 13h00 at the Metro Civic Centre Reception Room, 158 Loveday Street Braamfontein.
All residents especially those who have pools are encouraged to attend.

Councillor Bongani Zondi chairperson for the Section 79 Committee on Safety says, “As the City’s elected representatives we are very concerned about the continued spate of drowning in private pools and are asking for constructive engagement and comment on a new draft bylaw that it is hoped will help reduce the number of these fatal incidents”.
Whilst it is always preferable to read the actual bylaw, the substantive contents are as follows:

  • All outdoor pools must comply with the bylaw.
  • The pool must be totally enclosed and the wall or fence must be at least 1.2 metres high and more than a metre from the pool.
  • A child of less than four years old should not be able to gain access through the enclosure.
  • The entrance must be self locking and trigger an alarm when opened or left opened. It must be secure at all times unless the pool is being used.
  • The pool must be covered or fitted with a floating pool devise when not in use.
  • Every indoor pool must have a floor gliding system or a floating pool alarm.

General issues 

  • Council will issue a permit for a private swimming pool if it complies with the provision of the bylaw.
  • Two years after the bylaw is finalised no person may have a pool if it does not have a permit.
  • All owners with an existing private pool are required to inform the Council of its existence within 90 days of this bylaw coming into force.
  • All owners must inform Council before any new pool is filled with water and it must be enclosed according to specific requirements before it is filled with water.
“The primary responsibility for welfare of family members at a swimming pool will always be with the family and their friends. This would include ensuring that any one with access to a swimming pool is aware of the dangers, individuals do not swim alone, children are never unsupervised, and basic relevant first aid is known by responsible adults”, says Councillor Zondi. 

Copies of the draft bylaw are available from all regional municipal offices.

​​A Section 79 committee on Safety will consider all submissions and comments made at the public hearing that will be reviewed and recommendations made for amendments. The draft bylaw will be then be revised by the Administration and both the final bylaw and all comments will be presented to Council for approval.

For further information call 407 7166 / 6222

Written Submissions can be sent to or to 

Issued by Virgil James Spokesperson City of Johannesburg 082 467 9415/011 407 7226

 Public Liaison Department