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2010-04-01: Mayor urges vigilance and consideration during long-weekend    

THE  coming  long-weekend  provides  a welcome opportunity for residents of Johannesburg   to   enjoy  a  well-deserved  rest  from  their  usual  busy activities.

"It  is also an important religious holiday for many people of faith and on behalf  of  the  City of Johannesburg I would like to wish you a joyous and blessed Easter and Passover," says the Executive Mayor of Johannesburg, Clr Amos Masondo.

Unfortunately  the  Easter  Weekend  has, in the past, become known for the high incidence of accidents on our roads with accompanying loss of life and serious injuries.

We  would like to call on the residents of Johannesburg and visitors to our City  to  drive  carefully, to obey the traffic rules, to keep to the speed limits  and  not  to  drive  under  the  influence  of alcohol or any other substances.

Large  sections of our highways are still under construction as part of the Gauteng  Freeway Improvement Project. Please drive extra carefully in those areas  and  show  consideration  for  your  fellow  road users – especially pedestrians and young children.

Please  be  assured  that the City's Metro Police Department will not be on holiday  over this period but will be out in full force on our roads and in our  streets  to  act  against  dangerous and drunken drivers and to combat crime and enforce the City's bylaws.

A  special word of welcome to visitors to Johannesburg who might be here to enjoy  the  richness  of  our cultural life, our entertainment and sporting facilities.  This  includes  the annual Rand Easter Show and the many other sports activities.

When  we  return after the Easter Break it will be less than 70 days before the start of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The last few weeks will be hectic and exciting as we complete the final preparations for the football spectacle.

For more information contact:
Nkhensani Makhobela
Spokesperson for the Executive Mayor
City of Johannesburg
Tel: 011 407 7524
Fax: 011 339 5709
Cell: 082 461 7075 ​