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2010-04-05: Joburg residents to make inputs in City budget and strategies
JOHANNESBURG residents have the opportunity to make inputs and input into the City's annual budget and strategic development plans during the month of April.

The annual Stakeholder Summit held at the Gallagher Estate in Midrand was attended by more than 6 000 residents and representatives of interest groups from various areas of Johannesburg at the weekend (27 March 2010). At the same meeting, Members of the Mayoral Committee and heads of departments presented their departmental plans for 2010/2011.

The City's Integrated Development Plan (IDP) – the medium term strategy – was discussed, with participants contributing ideas to the proposals and over 1 000 written comments were also received by the Office of the Speaker from delegates.

Other residents will be able to access the documents and submit comments at regional and other City offices. The comments will then be sent to the various City departments and agencies to be considered for inclusion in programmes, strategies and future city budgets.

The various Council committees will also hold meetings in the next few weeks where residents can further comment on the proposals. These committees (Section 79) deal with issues such as Community Development; Finance; Development Planning and Urban Management; Governance; Economic Development; Environment;  Housing; Health; Infrastructure and Services; Safety and Transportation.

The City has also published the draft Budget including proposed tariff increases for electricity, water, waste removal and rates for the 2010/11 fiscal year.

The public has until 30 April to submit written comments on the draft budget and the tariff increases. Written submissions can be handed in at any City customer service centre.

For more information please contact:
Kureish Isaacs
Deputy Director
City of Johannesburg
Tel: (011) 407 7316
Cell: 082 559 3774

Issued by:
Virgil James
City of Johannesburg
082 467 9415