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2010-07-06: Fans advised to leave extra early for Sunday's final   
FANS attending the 2010 World Cup Final at Soccer City this Sunday are being urged to leave home extra early to attend the match and to plan their trips carefully. 

While kick-off is at 8.30pm, the closing ceremony begins at 6pm and fans need to ensure that they leave early to their respective destinations so that they are seated and ready to view the closing ceremony of the world's biggest sporting event. 

Gates to Soccer City will open at 2pm as will the various Park and Ride and Park and Walk venues.  The Rea Vaya and Metrorail will also begin operating to the stadium from 2pm. 

"The commercial display areas will be fully operational from 2pm and will offer a variety of fun-filled activities for early fans," said the City of Joburg's 2010 Operations Director, Christa Venter. 

A traffic management system will be implemented on Sunday at Sandton from 1pm to 5pm and along the N1 from 2:30pm to 4:30pm at intermittent intervals to enable guests to be escorted to the games.  Fans are urged to be patient if they are asked to wait for escorted vehicles to pass. No significant delays are expected but travelling time may be increased. (See annexure below.) 

In Sandton the following roads will be affected to allow controlled access from time to time: Alice Lane, West Street from Alice Lane to Rivonia Road, Rivonia Road from Fredman Drive to Fifth Street, Fifth Street from Rivonia Road to Alice Lane and Maude Street from West to Gwen Lane. 

Fans planning to go to Sandton or the Innis Free Park Fan Fest are urged to plan their trips carefully and early to avoid these areas.  

Traffic management with controlled access onto the N1 South from Pretoria to Johannesburg will take place at intervals from 2:30pm to 4:30pm. Through traffic will diverted along alternate routes. 

"If you have no reason to travel through any road restricted areas, please avoid them at these times," said Wayne Minnaar spokesman for the Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD). 

Fans without tickets should also avoid the stadium precinct altogether and rather head to Fan Fests or public viewing sites. "Our traffic officers and the SAPS will be scrupulously checking the vehicles, including those of VAPP permit holders to ensure that each vehicle occupant has a valid match ticket or Accreditation Permit specifically for the Soccer City final," Minnaar added. 

Resident VAPP permit holders in the Nasrec area should be warned that the JMPD will be vigilant in ensuring that residents do not abuse these permits by transporting fans back and forth through the traffic-free zone at Soccer City on the match final day. 

"It is important to note that all passengers and or drivers without tickets or proper accreditation to enter Soccer City will not be let through," he said. 

Since the June 11 start of the Fifa World Cup over a million satisfied fans have made use of the City's Rea Vaya and public transport links to soccer matches. 

Joburg's transport legacy, the Bus Rapid Transit system has been given the thumbs up by FIFA, the LoC and scores of doubting Thomases who had to eat their words while the City has run an outstanding service. 

Figures indicate that about 25% of fans use the Park and Ride Facilities. About 143 000 fans used the Park and Walk facilities, while nearly 100 800 people used Metrorail.  

More than 122 000 fans were transported via Rea Vaya to the stadiums. On average it took 12 minutes on Rea Vaya BRT from Constitutional Hill to Soccer City and only 6 minutes from the Westgate Transport Hub. Clearing the stadiums generally took less than two hours. 

"Never before have so many people who usually rely on cars used public transport, and in general they were very impressed. We are urging more fans and tour guide services to make use of public transport during the final," said Sibongile Mazibuko, Executive Director for 2010 in the City of Joburg. 

The pre-booked Park and Ride and Park and Walk facilities will be operational from 2pm. Fans are reminded to book and not try and go to Stadium precincts without tickets.  

Fans who want to be dropped off, can use the Westgate Transport Hub at the corner of Anderson Street and Pat Mbatha Bus and Taxi Way, in the Johannesburg CBD, (closest highway: M2, off-ramp Selby) from where they will be able to use either Rea Vaya BRT or Metrorail to get to the stadiums. 

Alternatively, fans can catch the Metrobus from Sandton to Westgate Transport Hub for R20 from where they can transfer to Metrorail or Rea Vaya BRT. 

Metrorail will be free for match ticket holders and Rea Vaya will cost R12 return.  Park Station is very popular for Metrorail users but spectators are urged to come early or arrange to park in Braamfontein and walk due to the limited amount of parking available at Park Station. 

Metrorail will be running a free train service to valid match ticket holders. Trains will travel from Park Station and Pretoria respectively. Spectators are urged to come early or arrange to park in Braamfontein and walk due to the limited amount of parking available at Park Station. The first train will depart from Park Station at 16:00 and from Pretoria Station at 16:07. 


Issued by:
Joburg 2010 Office
Executive Director - Sibongile Mazibuko 082-467-9235
Operations Director - Christa Venter – 082-492-2424 

Joburg Transport Dept
Executive Director - Lisa Seftel – 073-869-2727 

Spokesperson - Wayne Minnaar – 082-559-3882 

Spokesperson - Gaynor Mashamaite - 083-215-9745 



On-and-off-ramps affected along the N1 from Pretoria to Soccer City on Sunday, July 11, 2010:
On the M1 and N1 soft road closures will be enforced between 14:00 and 17:00 at various bridges and on ramps along the N1.
Those affected will be: 

N1 S Atterbury Road
N1 S Garsfontein Road
N1 S Rigel Ave
N1 & R21
N1 and N14
N1 S Botha Ave 
N1 S Old Johannesburg Rd
N1 S Samrand
N1 S Olifantsfontein
N1 S New Road
N1 S Allendale Rd 

From N3 to M1 South & N1 North
N1 S Rivonia Rd
N1 S William Nicol
N1 N William Nicol
N1 S Malibongwe Drive
N1 S Beyers Naude Dr
N1 S 14th Ave
N1 S Gordon Road
N1 S Maraisburg
N1 Offramps North and South at Soweto Highway
Soweto Highway & Immink Rd