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2010-07-14: Joburg hosts exhibition for informal traders  
THE City of Johannesburg will be hosting an exhibition day for 200 informal traders on Sunday 18 July 2010 from 11h00 to 13h00. It will take place at Wits University, in the Concourse Senate House. 

Various government departments and business institutions including DTI, SEDA, Umsombovu, SARS, CIPRO, ABSA, FNB, Nedbank and some of the City's entities like the Fresh Produce Market, Joburg Water, Metro Trading Company and a critical department, the Johannesburg Metro Police have been invited to exhibit.

Later on the 24th July 2010 a certificate ceremony will be held at the same venue where all the participates will be receiving certificates for attending the course. 

"The intention is to provide exhibitors with the opportunity to show informal traders what support is available in general for SMME's as well as market specific products", said Xolani Nxumalo Deputy Director SMME Development and Support City's Department of Economic development  

He said, "This is the culmination of a six month Basic Business Skills training programme run by Wits University which is  a delivery partner for the Grow Your Business programme".

"Business from across the spectrum have been invited to present marketing information on business development guiding notes, business plans, what is required to open an account, information on loans, potential markets and health and bylaw enforcement matters", said Nxumalo.

The City's Department of Economic Development has facilitated the training of these 200 informal traders in basic business skills grow your business project and ABET training during the 2009/10 financial year at a cost of more than R1 million. Through its partnership with Wits, the City has trained over 2700 informal traders since 2005.

This training is due to the recognition that there are limitations with regards to business management knowledge. As part of its investment, development and support for informal traders into the first economy, opportunities are being created as part of the City's vision to transform itself into a globally competitive world-class city by the year 2030.

"Joburg, a City where community development, personal growth and social mobility are enhanced so that challenges of poverty, vulnerability, inequality and social exclusion are fundamentally addressed". 

Issued by: 
Virgil James
City of Johannesburg
011 407 7226
082 467 9415