2010-09-09: Local Government Human Resources Policy conference
THE South African Local Government Association (SALGA) held a Human Resource Management Policy Conference at Bolivia Lodge, in Polokwane from 6th to 8th September 2010. The aim of this conference was to provide member municipalities with a platform to consider and discuss, amongst others: (a) identified best practice from member municipalities; (b) help craft and improve the SALGA Human Resource Strategy and (c) to reflect on the implications of the local government turnaround strategy on human resource management. This conference brought together over 800 local government sector key decision makers and human resource practitioners.
Over and above the municipal delegates and practitioners that attended, the event was graced by the Minister for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Honourable Sicelo Shiceka, the Minister for Public Service and Administration, Honourable Richard Baloyi, the MEC for Local Government in Limpopo, Honourable Soviet Lekganyane, the MEC for Education in Limpopo, Honourable Dickson Masemola, The President of COSATU, Cde Sdumo Dlamini, representatives from South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) and Independent Municipal and Allied Trade Unions (IMATU), members of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures, International partners, donors, representatives from Civil Society and the business community.
SALGA is an organised local government body charged amongst others, with the following responsibilities:
- representative and voice of member municipalities
- help empower and build capacity in municipalities; and
- act as an employer body.
Given the fact that employees constitute the most important asset of any organisation, and the ever changing environment, the SALGA National Executive Committee (NEC) instructed the Human Resource Working Group to organise this conference.
Under the theme "Repositioning Local Government HR Management for the enhancement of Service Delivery", the Policy Conference was able to examine, discuss and deliberate on the following issues:
• Recruitment of competent personnel to execute the core functions of municipalities;
• Service delivery oriented organizational structures that are more effective and efficient
• Local Government capacity building programmes;
• Professionalisation of local government by focusing amongst others on:
- effective communication;
- consistent application of policy and legislation;
- decisive leadership;
- appropriate recruitment processes and
- effective performance management systems;
• entrenching the Batho Pele principles informed amongst others by positive values, a service delivery culture and ethos 1. On Professionalisation of Human Resource Management and Recruitment:
i. Emphasis must be placed on recruitment of competent and suitably qualified people.
ii. Recruitment must also consider values, ethics and customer orientation; and that
iii. SALGA should work closely with professional bodies to enhance its work and that of municipalities.
2. On Capacity Building and Systems in Local Government
i. Need for a SALGA database of competent personnel to be made available to the local government sector and municipalities.
ii. SALGA, together with key stakeholders, should establish Assessment Centre(s) to support municipalities in maintaining uniform norms and standards on recruitment.
iii. The Integrated Public Service should, amongst others, focus on creating an Integrated Local Government Public Service which will allow for ease of movement of employees and standardisation of systems.
iv. Public Service Commission to extend its scope and functioning to cover the local government sector.
3. On Culture and Ethos
i. The performance management system at local government level should integrate Batho Pele principles.
ii. Comprehensive employee wellness assistance programmes should be established and functional in all municipalities.
4. On Labour Relations
i. SALGA should continue to place emphasis on central bargaining and ensure uniformity and compliance across the sector.
ii. SALGA should explore the possibility of various options on medical aid and pension fund schemes to maximise value for employees.
The South African Local Government Association will continue to be informed by an understanding that local government is about the well being and service to the people. We will do everything possible to ensure that the goals we have set for ourselves are realised. In keeping with the provisions of the constitution and related legislation on co-operative governance, SALGA will continue to pursue some of these proposals with the different spheres of government and relevant stakeholders.
Issued by:
Nthatisi Modingoane
Deputy Director: Communications
Tel: (011) 407 7354
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