2010-09-28: Transport: Moving Joburg To Do More Together
Transport Month 2010 following close after the FIFA 2010 World Cup is a special and exciting month for all in the Transport fraternity in Johannesburg.
On an annual basis October Transport Month is an important time for us all to reflect on challenges that continue to confront the transport sector, whilst simultaneously taking stock of progress made.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the month is the opportunity to actively engage community members and a variety of stakeholders so that they become partners in shaping improvements in Transport.
The core basis of engagement is the Transport Values – Accountability, Co-operation, Honesty, Respect and Ubuntu. We believe that if all citizens could introspect and live these values, our daily transport experiences could become a lot better.
The events also provide the City an opportunity to showcase transportation projects and to vigorously promote the use of Public Transport.
“The focus of Transport Month 2010 is to continue to build partnerships with public transport operators, transport users, community leaders and other key stakeholders. The theme of the city activities for 2010 suggests that we all have a role to play.
Transport related issues affect every citizen – from a young pedestrian on her way to school, to the domestic worker boarding a taxi, to the Chief Executive Officer in his 4 x 4. Transport related issues impact on us all and play a significant role in the economy and the quality of life of every citizen.
During this Transport Month, the City of Johannesburg Transport Department, in conjunction with the Johannesburg Roads Agency, Metrobus and Rea Vaya will be visiting all 7 regions of the City. At each of these regions a number of activities will be undertaken and include:
A Primary School activity focused on Road Safety,
A Secondary School activity focused on industrial theatre and debating various issues related to transport: including train surfing, drug and alcohol abuse etc.
Community Leaders Seminars: Aimed at a cross section of Community leaders – these will focus on public transport, transport infrastructure and road safety,
Other activities include:
- Clean up of a public transport facility in Midrand;
- October Cavalcade to highlight road safety and rights of people’s with disability;
- Support of Provincial and National Transport Month Activities
Batho Pele training workshop will be aimed at 100 Metrobus, Rea Vaya and taxi drivers and MTC station ambassadors, cashiers and marshals.
A number of City departments and transport agencies from other spheres of government will also participate in these events.
We look forward to deepening the partnerships, so that together, we can move transport in Joburg !
For further details contact: Cleone Carter Smith on 011-298-5273 / 0824152820
Nthatisi Modingoane
Deputy Director: Communications
Tel: (011) 407 7354
Fax: 403 3494
Cell: 082 467 9228
E-mail: nthatisem@joburg.org.za