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2011-07-20: Joburg a Theatre like no other
THE City of Johannesburg's Joburg Theatre is Africa's premier home of live entertainment and the country's presenting house of choice.
Its management team is however not resting on its laurels but has recognized the need to continuously reinvent the Theatre along the lines of "Your City theatre"; welcoming, safe, vibrant and existing for the core purpose of entertainment.
Among some of the initiatives indicated in their business plans is facilitating contemporary ticketing systems and access control for the Theatre, introducing a theatre loyalty club from which it can incentivize and reward patrons and aggressively marketing itself to lure corporate sales.
At the same time the Theatre has delivered in its task of community development within its operations by creating: an enabling environment for projects and performances performed by township community theatres, artists supporting gender equality, the year round independent operation of the most highly acclaimed children's theatre in South Africa and hosting and partnering with the South African Ballet Theatre recognized for its comprehensive social outreach programmes.
The Joburg Theatre has for ten consecutive years won the Leisure Option's Readers Choice Award for best theatre in Joburg. It has received ten consecutive clean audit reports from the Auditor-General and over this period welcomed over 3 000 000 patrons.
The Theatre's continued success can be attributed to its strategic focus of promoting itself as a flagship social asset that makes a vital contribution to the quality of life of diverse audiences.
"Joburg, a City where community development, personal growth and social mobility are enhanced so that challenges of poverty, vulnerability, inequality and social exclusion are fundamentally addressed".
Issued on behalf of:
Councilor Chris Vondo
Member of the mayoral committee
Community Development
City of Joburg
Issued by:
Virgil James
City of Joburg
011 407 7226
082 467 9415