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​2011-10-12: Game on! Joburg 2040

THE City of Johannesburg will launch its Joburg 2040 Growth and Development Strategy (GDS) document next Thursday 20 October 2011 at the FNB Stadium.
Joburg will not do it alone but together with residents, business, youth, women, the disabled, institutions of learning, government and all the organizations and individuals who participated in the two-month long GDS Mayoral Outreach programme.

Numerous activities are planned throughout the City involving different communities, their councilors and officials as part of the launch celebrations. As a build up to the launch, various structures like bridges and buildings will be lit up and branded with the Joburg 2040 logo.

Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg councilor Parks Tau says, "We are extremely excited about the launch of the Joburg 2040 document because it is a true reflection of the contribution and input of the citizens of Joburg".

Mayor Parks said that he was impressed with the way people became "players and supporters of the outreach programme" to make valuable contributions towards the future development of Joburg.

He said that the Joburg 2040 (GDS) "is an aspirational document that defines the type of society we want to achieve, by 2040".

It does, however, provide a set of defined strategic choices that frame the five-year Integrated Development Plan. In support of long-term delivery the IDP contains specific five-year operational activities, targets and financial budgets.

The GDS Outreach, a nine-week process of engagement launched on 2 August 2011, provided an opportunity through which to test the ideas included in a draft of the 2040 GDS. The process included a number of elements: weekly thematic discussions with stakeholders including the community; ward-level engagement and participation; an international conference with leading global, regional and local experts; a City Lekgotla and a final GDS Stakeholders' Summit.

It aimed to include all stakeholders, using a wide-ranging stakeholder and community consultation process to drive the development of an inspiring, visionary and implementable local government strategy.

In doing so Joburg broke new ground and took public participation to a new level in pursuance of its vision: "GDS 2040 envisions Joburg as a world class African city of the future- a vibrant, economically inclusive and multi-cultural African city, a city that provides real quality of life, a city that provides sustainable, Eco services for all it's citizens, a resilient and adaptive society" Joburg My City-Our Future!

Issued on behalf of:
Councillor Parks Tau
City of Johannesburg
Executive Mayor of the

Issued by: 
Virgil James
City of Joburg
Cel: 082 467 9415
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