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​​2011-10-28: Credit control cut off campaign

THE City’s debtors book has grown substantially over the last financial year. The City has embarked on comprehensive credit control and debt collection measures on all customer accounts.
The City will endeavour to call on customers as soon as their accounts defaults to remind them of the default - providing the City has up to date customer contact information. The City therefore requests that customers update their contact information and also ensure that they obtain a statement.

According to Kgamanyane Maphologela, the Revenue & Customer Relations Management’s spokesperson, the City encourages customers that can not fully service their outstanding payments to immediately make use of the arrangements options the City has to offer.

Please note:

We have sent a communication to all customers who are in arrears by sending them pre-termination notices before cut off can be effected, and implementing immediate credit control process if there is no response from the debtor.
Customers who have logged a legitimate query and who have received reference numbers and ensured that the account is flagged will be excluded from the credit control campaign. However, customers with logged queries must remember that they are still required to pay normal monthly consumption by the due date.
All customers erroneously cut will be immediately reconnected.
All customers who have been issued with a pre-termination notice and who have recently been converted to a prepaid metre are requested to urgently  visit the nearest customer service centres to update their metre details .

Indigent customers and pensioners are welcome to register with the relevant assistance programs of the City. Please note that these customers must still pay any arrears on their accounts as they will be subjected to credit control and debt collection actions.

Customers with queries must ensure that such are logged for resolution and customers are encouraged to still resume paying the expected monthly average bill to prevent credit control action.

The City will send out notices to all customers that have defaulted to notify the customers of the City’s intention to terminate all services. All services will be terminated on accounts with balances outstanding 30 days and older.  Further legal action will commence immediately on all delinquent accounts to recover outstanding amounts owned to the City.

Customers that have queries can log a query with Joburg Connect at (011) 375-5555 or email them at or visit their nearest Customer Service Centre.

Issued by:
Kgamanyane Stanley Maphologela
Deputy Director: Customer Communications
Revenue & Customer Relations Management Department
Phone: 011 628 4728
Fax: 011 358 3639
Cell: 083 589 3746