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2011-12-20: City appoints head of Emergency Management Services
THE City of Johannesburg, Council approved the appointment of Mr Tshepo Makola as the Executive Director of the Johannesburg Emergency Services at its last sitting held on the 08 December 2011.
The position of Executive Director Emergency Management Service in the City of Johannesburg became vacant after the departure of the former head Dr Audrey Gule earlier this year. Mr Makola was then appointed as the Acting Head of EMS.
Given the fact that these were temporary arrangements, the City of Johannesburg embarked on a recruitment process to fill the position and bring stability to the EMS leadership.
The appointment of Mr Makola came after a vigorous recruitment process where about 35 CV's were received and evaluated. Interviews with the most suitable were conducted by a panel consisting of the City Manager and Members of the Mayoral Committee.
Introducing the new head of EMS to the staff earlier this week, the Member of the Mayoral Committee for Public Safety, Councilor Matshidiso Mfikoe said: "I have a pleasure in announcing that Mr Tshepo Lazarus Makola has been appointed Executive Director of Emergency Management Services as from the 1st December 2011.He has been the Acting Executive Director, since Dr. Gule vacated the position in July 2011. Please colleagues let us give him the support he needs to carry out the departmental mandate of saving lives and property".
For more information contact:
Nthatisi Modingoane
Deputy Director: Communications
Tel: (011) 407 7354
Fax: 403 3494
Cell: 082 467 9228