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Transport Festive Season Message
As we enter the Festive Season, I take this opportunity to thank everyone who made this year a success.
The Transport Cluster has had its share of “highlights and lowlights”, some of our highlights include the signing on the Negotiating Framework Agreement with the affected minibus taxi operators for Rea Vaya Phase 1C; the waged war on the potholes; the launch of the No Joint Policy for Traffic Signals; the launch of the Sandton StepsUp, Public Transport Loop and official opening of the pedestrian portion of the completed Lees Street Bridge connecting Alex and Sandton. During Transport Month, we opened the rehabilitated M1 Highway and supported communities at their road safety activities.
While we have good stories to tell, we also have “not so good” incidents that affected us this year; one of our Rea Vaya stations was damaged during protest action; we lost an employee at Benrose JRA Depot and saw changes to Management leadership at both Metrobus and JRA.
While the rain continues to challenge us on issues of potholes and flooding, the Johannesburg Roads Agency’s Regional Operations teams will continue working systemically to address emergency repairs, making dangerous road defects safe and carrying out potholes repairs.
It is my wish that all City employees and residents will prioritise their safety and that of family and friends during this time. For those that will be traveling, they should do so with caution and consideration for other road users. Remember to not drink and drive or walk. Buckle up, sober up, rest and go easy on the speed. Encourage the use of alternative transport for family and friends after indulging in alcoholic drinks.
May 2018 come with renewed energy, commitment and excellent service delivery to our residents. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year!
Issued on behalf of MMC Makhuba by:
Tebogo Mogashoa
Stakeholder Manager – Office of MMC Makhuba
Tel: 011 298 5269 / 072 631 3783