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It has become clear that the ANC in Johannesburg is trying to fight the City from Insourcing thousands of Security Personnel. The latest effort now involves using journalists to sow blatant lies about the use of companies in the City to which they allege I have financial interests. 

The latest in this ridiculous series is now allegations of Lephatsi Financial Services doing work for the City of Johannesburg around the Insourcing of Security Personnel. 

Whilst campaigning for Mayor of the City of Johannesburg, I resigned from all Directorships that I had held in my business career. I have declared all of my financial interests and engage with the Integrity Commissioner to ensure my declarations go beyond the requirements of me. 

During the process leading towards the Insourcing of Security Personnel in the City, I engaged the services of a long-time business associate of mine to assist in the financial modelling of the exercise. This was offered to the City, free of charge, and after having determined that this associate has no interests in the City. Arising from this critical work, we have been able to initiate the process to begin insourcing to the benefit and dignity of our Security Personnel. 

The fact that I am able to bring expertise from the private sector to assist the City without benefit to anyone other than our residents, is something of which I am not ashamed. 

I am informed that the ANC’s open opposition to the idea of insourcing stems from scores of lucrative security contracts handed out to their tenderpreneurs. Unfortunately the ANC is now resorting to peddling lies to undermine this process in their efforts to continue the oppression of Security Personnel in the City in favour of tenderpreneurs. 

The fact that the ANC has the temerity to talk about such matters while we are still cleaning up their rampant legacy of looting is beyond hypocracy. To this day, this has never been admitted to and the people of our City are yet to receive an overdue apology from the ANC.

It does demonstrate that the ANC cannot be trusted to speak the truth. This is why I now indicate to any journalist that, in responding to such allegations, I am willing to stand before a court and make sworn statements to defend our actions. To date, the ANC has declined to take up these offers. 

The insourcing of security personnel will begin at the end of March this year. It is set to provide the men and women who perform this task in our City with a better take home package and benefits of dignified employment. All of this will cost the residents of our City nothing more, because it will no longer operate under lucrative profit bearing tenders. 

The new multi-party government is open and transparent. Tenders are now held in forums open to the public and away from the smoke-filled rooms of the past. We have nothing to hide, and will not be distracted from the task of cleaning up our City and achieving a government our residents can be proud of.  

Cllr Herman Mashaba
Executive Mayor
City of Joburg

Media queries:
Luyanda Mfeka
Director: Mayoral Communications
Office of the Executive Mayor
Cell: 076 171 5978