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City employees lead the way in the volunteer clean-up campaign
The City of Johannesburg’s employees will, on the 09 February 2018 – between 10am and noon, participate in the volunteer clean-up campaign – A re Sebetseng.
This will see thousands of employees of the City and its entities come out to clean various precincts around their places of work. Employees are being encouraged to participate in a staff-led A re Sebetseng clean-up campaign in preparation for the City wide clean-up scheduled for the 17 February 2018.
The Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Councillor Herman Mashaba, has led the way with the City’s major clean-up campaign, A Re Sebetseng, with more partners coming on board to help give Joburg a new shine.
This week’s campaign is an opportunity for employees of the City of Johannesburg and it’s entities to lead by example and join the growing movement to make Joburg the cleanest city in Africa. Employees will take part in a two hour clean-up in and around the City buildings and depots every month.
Issued by the City of Joburg
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