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The Department of economic development has dismissed the Director of Sustainable Employment Facilitation after a disciplinary hearing found him guilty of dishonesty and serious contravention of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA)

The now former Director produced a report authorising grant funding to a business to the value of R5 million that did not comply with section 67 of the MFMA. 

This particular business had a pre-existing contract with the Department that clearly stipulated all monies which the company was allowed to receive for services rendered. The additional grant fell outside of this agreement. Added to this, recipients of City grants are required to produce financials, detailing how the money was spent. This did not happen.

When asked to report and account on the matter during the investigation, the employee proved to be dishonest and evasive. The Chairman of the disciplinary hearing was also of the view that the employee did not illustrate remorse. These factors combined, resulted in the committee recommending immediate termination of employment.

The Department of Economic Development remains committed to ensuring that the residents of Johannesburg experience transparent government and value for the rates which they contribute to the city. Corruption is not only a scourge, but it robs the city of its ability to provide services, particularly to the disadvantaged.

For Further enquiries:
Jabu Buthelezi
Mobile: 067 028 9636