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It has come to my attention that evictions took place this Monday, 23 July at the Fleurhof Housing development.

Ninety (90) people were evicted after they had invaded the houses being built by Calgro M3, a developer that has a co-operation agreement with the City of Joburg.

It is important to clarify that the City of Joburg is not directly involved in the evictions that took place as it is the developer who applied for the eviction order and carried it out.

We have ascertained from the developer that the Court processes were followed and the invaders were informed of the pending evictions starting from April 2018 after the eviction order was obtained up until the order was enforced yesterday. The City was also not ordered to provide alternative accommodation as the invaders were not seen as destitute by the courts.

Whilst this is a private case, it is however in our interest as a caring and law abiding government that we put the interest of beneficiaries who have been patiently waiting for houses as a priority.

The invasion of these houses has meant that we could not allocate rightful beneficiaries for a period of almost 18 months –some of these beneficiaries had applied in 1996. They even have to wait for longer because the invaded houses need to be fixed prior taking occupation. This will have a detrimental effect on our finances as money that could be utilised to build more houses will be spent fixing houses that were already completed.

It is therefore my request as the MMC responsible for Housing that we work together and adhere to the laws governing this country and not hinder processes that are to the benefit of our communities. 

My office remains open for engagements that take us forward as the Housing department. 

Media queries:
Willington Simelane 
Stakeholder Liaison Manager
Office of the MMC                                                         
City of Johannesburg         
071 865 2920