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​The City of Johannesburg advises customers that the delivery of municipal accounts will be delayed following SAPO employees going on a protected wage strike since last week Thursday, 5 July 2018. 

The delay will affect the posting of municipal statements.

Those who are facing challenges in receiving monthly municipal accounts can call or come to our offices with their account details to get immediate help. 

Customers are advised to obtain balances and due dates on their municipal statements by dialling the Call Centre on 0860 (Joburg) 562874. 

Option one offers an automated balance enquiry system. When calling the Call Centre, kindly choose option one, and follow the prompts. Type in your nine-digit account number and wait for your balance.  We advise our customers not to choose the option to hold for an operator to assist as waiting times at the call centre are longer due to high volume of calls in demand for other services.

Alternatively customers could visit any customer service centre city wide to obtain a copy of their account or log on to to download a copy of their statement on e-Services.

We wish to remind our customers that they are still responsible for paying their accounts even though statements will be delayed to avoid going into arrears.

Alternatively, customers are therefore urged to use the latest statement received to make a payment. We advise that customers make payments on their average monthly consumption if no balance or statement is obtained. It is important to continue paying for services used.

One of the following methods can be used to make payments:

Your monthly account including your water and electricity consumption, property rates, sanitation and refuse removal, is payable via any of the following channels:

Walk-in Centres: At any near Customer Service Centres offices in the City of Johannesburg municipal area and pay, particularly if you are already late with your payment. Operating times are 7h30am to 15h30pm during weekdays, and 7h30am – 12h00pm on weekends. We only accept cash and all major card payments.
Internet Payments: Kindly arrange with your bank to add City of Johannesburg as a beneficiary. Visit Standard Bank , Absa, FNB or Nedbank, and others. Your nine (9) digit municipal account number must be used as your unique customer reference number.
Easy Pay: Pay at any retail outlet providing the Easy Pay facility - Pick-n-Pay Supermarkets, Shoprite Checkers, Spar Supermarkets and any Easy-Pay Points, as well as other accredited Vendor Points: Remember to retain your slip as proof of payment. Simply take in your previous month’s bill as reference.  Be sure to allow time before your account due date for processing the transaction. If you make your payment using this facility the payment will appear after three business days in your municipal account.
Debit order: It is the cheapest, most reliable, and hassle-free way to pay your account. Visit a Customer Service Centre to apply. The special debit order forms are available at any of our centers.

The City would like to apologise to our customers for the inconvenience caused by this unfortunate matter that is out of the City’s control.​