For any query regarding City accounts, contact Joburg Connect on 0860 562 874 or fax your query to 011 358 3408/09 or email your query to You will need to quote your account number. You will be given a reference number and your query will be passed on to the relevant department.
If our electronic system is off-line, you will be given a manual reference number. Make sure you get the call centre consultant’s name and make a note of the time of query so that it is easier for us to trace.
Queries can also be made in person at any of the regional Customer Service Centres. Remember to take along a copy of your latest account.
Amount suddenly increases
Readings are taken of your electricity and water meters every month, so the meters should be easily accessible to the meter reader.
If no-one is home and the meter reader cannot gain access, you will be given an interim reading - an estimate based on your average previous usage.
When eventually the City does get to read your meter, one of two things will happen:
You will have used more electricity than was estimated, and you will receive a higher bill than before, covering what was owed in the previous months; or
You will have used less electricity than estimated, and the City will credit your next account - the amount will not be refunded.
Access to properties
If a contractor cannot gain access to the property, you may read your own meter and phone the readings through to the City on 0860 562 874, or even register them online via the City’s e-Services website. However, every three or four months the City will arrange for a meter reader to inspect the dials to confirm that you have made the correct readings.
Landlords and tenants
Property owners are responsible for the full payment of all municipal services and rates accounts, even if the property is let to a tenant.
If you see your tenant has fallen into arrears with their municipal account and is making no effort to make arrangements to pay it off or settle the arrears, you can request the restriction or termination of services by faxing a signed, written request with full details of the account to be restricted or terminated to 011 358 3164.
For peace of mind, property owners should ask for copies of tenants' accounts from the City in order to monitor them. Producing two statements of one account will, however, cost a small fee. Send a fax request with all the details to 011 381 9377.