Opening An Account
Opening An Account
​​​​Head office of the R&CRM Department ALL CUSTOMERS

Every City of Johannesburg customer should have their own water and electricity account; you can’t inherit an existing water and electricity account from a previous owner or tenant of a property.

To open an account, go to your nearest Customer Service Centre and ask for an Application for the Supply of Water and Electricity contract. 
Submit the completed form, together with the following standard documents:

A valid South African identity document;
Details of next of kin;
Your banking details;
Contact details, which include your name, telephone and cellphone numbers, physical and postal addresses, and email; and
The deposit amount (cash, cheque or internet banking).
Rates accounts will automatically be created in your name, as the new property owner, as soon as transfer is registered at the Deeds Office. It may take up to 10 weeks to receive and update new owner records.
Property not yet transferred

If the property you have bought is not yet registered in your name, you need to go to your nearest Customer Service Centre with the following documents:

A valid South African identity document;
Details of next of kin;
Your banking details;
The deposit amount (cash, cheque or internet banking);
Your Offer to Purchase or Deeds document;
Your meter number/s and latest readings;
Contact details, which include your name, telephone and cellphone numbers, physical and postal addresses, and email; and
The completed Application for the Supply of Water and Electricity form.

Developers/buyers of a new subdivisio or a new township

If you are a developer or have bought a property in a new subdivision or new township and want to open an account, go to your nearest Customer Service Centrewith the following documents:
A valid South African identity document;
Details of next of kin;
Your banking details;
Contact details which include your name, telephone and cellphone numbers, physical and postal addresses, and email;
The deposit amount (cash, cheque or internet banking);
A separate Title Deed for your stand;
The Certificate of Occupation;
The surveyor-general’s diagram (usually obtained from the developer);
A proclamation notice for a new township (available from the developer); and
The completed Application for the Supply of Water and Electricity contract.


If you are a tenant and want to open an account, the owner or his proxy must co-sign your application.

Go to your nearest Customer Service Centre with the following documents:

A valid South African identity document;
Details of next of kin;​
Your banking details;
Contact details, which include your name, telephone and cellphone numbers, physical and postal addresses, and email;
Meter number and latest readings;
The deposit amount (cash, cheque or internet banking);
A certified copy of the owner/proxy’s identity document;
A certified copy of the lease agreement, stating the date of occupation; and
The completed Application for the Supply of Water and Electricity contract.