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​Meter Readings
​Electricity charges are dependent on readings taken from each consumer’s electricity meter. City Power has four contractors reading domestic meters across the city. These contractors are appointed for a set period.

We appreciate your security concerns about allowing strangers onto your property, which is why contractors must be clearly identifiable. If you are unsure about your meter reader, always ask to see his or her City Power identity card.

Meter Each area has a meter reading schedule, which can be downloaded from the City Power website or obtained from Joburg Connect on 0860 562 874 or 0860-JOBURG.
Meter Readers
​​Gauteng Meter Readers (GMRS) and Rubbytad
Regions: South and West
City Power: Tel: 011 490 7484

Africa Meter Readers (AMRT)
Tel: 011 885 3198
Fax: 011 885 3191

​​​Africa Meter Readers (AMRT)
Tel: 011 885 3198
Fax: 011 885 3191
Tel:  086 163 8733/011 218 8100
​​Meter Readers
Africa Meter Readers (AMRT)
Gauteng Meter Readers (GMRS) 

​If the meter reader cannot gain access, your bill will be an interim reading - an estimate based on the average previous usage. When eventually the meter reader does get to read your meter, one of two things will happen:

You will have used more electricity than estimated, and you will receive a higher bill than before, covering what was owed in the previous months;
You will have used less electricity than estimated, and will be credited on your next account.​