Fares and pricing Metrobus has divided its coverage of the city into concentric zones, radiating out from the CBD. Most of the routes start from the inner city bus terminals in Zone 1, with longer trips traversing a number of different zones. For example, a trip from the CBD to Midrand could cross different zones up to eight times. Bus fares are controlled by the City council and the fee structure is set out in a council by-law. Metrobus aims to keep the service affordable, with fare increases within the inflation rate. The number of zones a commuter crosses determines the fare, with ticket prices varying from zone to zone. Prepaid tags It is cheaper to use prepaid tags rather than pay cash. The different coloured Metrobus tags are similar to prepaid phone cards and can be bought at Computicket outlets at: Quick facts All Metrobus drivers are carefully selected and have to be in possession of a valid code 10 licence. |
| Outlet | Address | Operating Hours | -
| Gandhi Square | Ghandi Square Main Street JHB CBD | Monday – Friday 05h30 – 18h30 Saturday 06h00 – 14h00 Sunday and Holidays Closed | 2. | Cresta Mall | Cresta Shopping Centre Beyers Naude Drive next to Homemark Entrance 1 | Monday – Saturday 08h30 – 18h00 Sunday 09h00 – 15h00 | 3. | Park Station | JHB Park Station Lower Level Braamfontein Closed to Nando's | Monday – Friday 08h30 – 17h00 Saturday 08h30 – 13h00 Sunday and Holidays Closed | 4. | Shoprite Ridgeway | Swartgoud & Rifle Range Rd, Ridgeway, 2091 | Monday – Saturday 08h00 – 18h00 Sunday and Holidays 08h00 – 14h00 | 5. | Roodepoort Metrobus Depot | 15 President Street Princess, Roodepoort | Monday – Friday 08h30 – 18h00 Saturday 08h30 – 13h00 Sunday and Holidays Closed | 6. | Rosebank Mall | Rosebank Mall opposite Pick & Pay | Monday – Friday 09h00 – 18h00 Saturday 09h00 – 17h00 Sunday and Holidays 9h00 – 16h00 |
A once-off fee for the tag is payable and the top-up amount is then recorded on the tag and deducted as bus trips are made. Different tags are available depending on the commuter's particular needs, with special rates for pensioners, learners and disabled people. - Adult commuters who use the buses daily are issued green tags. Green tags are available for: 52 trips monthly, 44 trips monthly, 14 trips weekly, 12 trips weekly and 10 trips weekly.
- School children use red tags that can be preloaded with a specific number of bus trips. The children then do not have to carry money for fares. Red tags are available in: a 130-trip term ticket, 44 trips monthly, 10 trips weekly and the stored value.
- People with disabilities use a yellow prepaid tag, which is valid for a period of three months.
- Pensioners use black tags, which are valid for a year. They receive a 50 percent discount on their bus trips.
- Infrequent users can use a stored value tag that works like a debit card. The commuter tells the driver the number of zones to be travelled and the amount is then deducted from the tag. Passengers get a 10 percent discount on their bus fares but these are not transferable. The maximum amount on the stored value tag is R500. The stored value has no expiry date.
Commuters forfeit all unused trips after the expiry date and will forfeit unused trips when changing between the denominations. Commuters who use the tag system and who need to transfer from one bus route to another must do so within two hours of the tag being scanned. This regulation excludes those commuters using stored value tags or pensioner and physically challenged tags. Commuters must retain their tickets of the initial journey. To activate the tag, the number of zones to be travelled need to be loaded on to the tag. Passengers can only travel in the zones that have been loaded on the tag. The tag is not restricted to specific calendar weeks or months - it can be used at any time. If a tag is lost, stolen or misplaced, its loss can be reported and it will be barred from further use. All of the tags are equipped with a 10-minute "pass-back" feature, which means that once the tag is swiped, it cannot be used again for 10 minutes. This feature is intended to prevent fraud. All of the tags also have a transfer option, which allows passengers to transfer to a second bus within two hours to complete a journey. |