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​Tariffs ​
TARR.jpg​Homeowners and businesses are charged for the service provided by Joburg Water.

In keeping with the drive to encourage everyone to conserve water – one of the scarcest resources on the planet – Joburg Water charges consumers who use more water higher tariffs than those who use much less water.
Free basic water is increased from 6kl to 10kl per household per month for registered indigents.
For current tariffs, including on commercial properties and for sanitation services see the current tariffs page.

Water Facts:

Each time you fill a kettle, you use about 1.5 litres.
When you wash your dishes you use about 30 litres of water to fill the sink.
Each time you flush the toilet you use between 10 -12 litres of water.
Each bath uses about 100-200 litres of water.
To wash your clothes you need about 50 litres a time.​​