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​​​​​The ​City of Johannesburg's policy is set out in a number of annexures. (Download the following document is Adobe Acrobat format.)

​​The City's policy on business licences
​Annexure A [202kb]
Policy for the implementation and enforcement of the Businesses Act 71 of 1991
​Annexure A1 [101kb]
Schedule 1:Businesses in respect of which a licence is required
​Annexure B [200kb]
Legislative process guidelines for the issuing, refusal, withdrawal and suspension of business licences, and the amendment or revoking of conditions
​Annexure C [229kb]
Protocol that has to be followed by business licence officers when implementing and enforcing the Businesses Act 71 of 1991 and the council's policy for the implementation of the Act
​Guidelines and protocol [177kb]
Policy, legislative process guidelines and protocol for the implementation and enforcement of the Businesses Act 71 of 1991