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​​​Johannesburg Property database online
Valuable Johannesburg property and economic information is available online to the public, in two map-based databases. Much of the information is available free of charge; the rest requires a subscription.

The databases were set up by the City of Johannesburg's Economic Development Unit and the South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA). The Economic Nodes database deals with business property in 25 business nodes; the Inner City database deals with residential property in the inner city.
The business nodes database will interest the property sector as it provides an economic evaluation of 25 business nodes to assess their economic potential. 

It also contains a brief overview of each node, including its history, node description and catchment area.
The innercity database provides an estimate of property values across the inner city, from the most expensive skyscrapers to more humble dwellings. The database will be continuously extended to cover more parts of the city as information becomes available.

How to access the two databases
To access the databases, go to,​ click on 'Online Maps (GIS)', select the 'Free Access' box, then click on the city map.

Services available for free
Interactive maps that zoom in from a regional overview to street level.

Added services for subscribers
Full resolution aerial photography
Full zoning (available from end of July 2005)
Proposed townships
Customised mapmaking tools

Development Planning
Metro Centre
158 Civic Boulevard

An Information and Service Directory 

Every property in the City of Johannesburg has a set of regulations to control development. These regulations are determined by the zoning of the property. Property zoning is set out in the applicable Town Planning Scheme, which determines such aspects as possible land use, floor area, coverage, building lines, parking provisions etc.
There are presently different Town Planning Schemes for different areas of the City of Johannesburg. It is important to establish which scheme applies to which area, as the specific requirements of the schemes differ.
The intent of this document is to provide our customers with a guide when completing and submitting property related applications.
A complete application will aid in the processing time of your application.
Only a complete submission will be accepted. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant.
Types of property related queries:
  • Obtaining Property Information
  • License application
  • Rezoning applications
  • Subdivisions & Consolidations applications
  • Building Plan applications​

Corporate GIS: 
Fax: (011) 339 3677
Service Assistance
Should you require assistance in using the mapping software, please phone the city's Corporate GIS department on 407 6190 and request the help desk or email your queries to
​​​​Johannesburg Property database online​​