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​Soweto Retail Strategy
​The City of Johannesburg recognises that Soweto is currently under-provided with retail facilities and has, as part of its plan for the development of Soweto, identified the need to support expansion of the retail sector.

This study (still to be approved as council strategy) has been developed with a view to guiding this expansion, with particular emphasis placed on creating a framework within which private retail businesses can function effectively in the area. This requires a co-operative relationship between the City and such businesses, large and small.

The study presented in this report has been founded on primary research undertaken in Soweto to assess the demand for retail goods and the supply of retail facilities. This research is based on interviews with households, shoppers, retailers and property developers. Using the findings of the research, a model has been developed to assist in understanding demand and taking decisions relating to supply options.

Using the research findings and the model, the strategies proposed here have been evolved in a series of workshops held with managers in the City.