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Spatial Development Frameworks
The Spatial Development Frameworks represent the spatial planning policy within the City of Johannesburg. They inform the determination of development proposals and applications that fall outside the scope of prevailing Town Planning Schemes and provide a citywide perspective of spatial challenges and ​interventions within the City.

Report on the City's Growth Management Strategy 2010
The primary purpose of this report is to stimulate debate and consider emerging development, investment and economic trends and patterns within the City. It is hoped that it will be increasingly accessed and assessed by development practitioners, academics, officials and scholars. 

As a complimentary document to the City's spatial planning frameworks such as the Spatial Development Framework and Regional SDFs it is a report that will be compiled annually – this is the second edition of the report. It is anticipated that the contents of this and subsequent reports will begin to shape future policy in a more informed and data-driven fashion. 

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information within this report is current, accurate and credible, specifics relating to rand values, volumes etc. must be considered as approximations and not definitive statements of fact. The report consolidates a host of data sources all of which are beyond the research teams' control in terms of accuracy and quality control. Each year, the information becomes better understood and more useful in the compilation of the report. The assumptions and summary of findings are the opinion of the research team (unless otherwise credited) and do not necessarily reflect to the opinion of the City of Johannesburg.

The content of the report was presented to a varied stakeholder audience on the 22nd June 2010. The presentation made that day is included here on the website for your consideration and is a useful complimentary resource to the full narrative GMS report.

DPSA Facilities Study
Front Cover


Precinct Plans- Inner City:

​Johannesburg Built Environment Guidelines & Standards (JBEGS)

​​Sustainable Human Settlements Urbanisation Plan (SHSUP)

SHSUP Executive Summary
Chapters 1 – 2