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​Wireless Broadband Connectivity Programme

The use of wireless technology for data and communications is on the increase. It is cheaper, easier to use and costs less in infrastructure set up as well as maintenance.

Cohen adds, however, that "for the development of real competitive capability, Joburg needs to offer broad bandwidth in conjunction with wireless technologies".

This project aims to create a more competitive platform where wireless broadband connectivity creates a favourable environment for large business and SMMEs.

Options are being developed for the City to play various roles, namely in providing infrastructure or information, as well as any other relevant role that may arise in the course of the work, in order to fast track the project, Cohen says.

The economic development unit has met industry players, including big business, major information technology companies and the main telecommunications companies in the country.

There has been a mixed response from the industry regarding the project, with the City aiming to increase competition and reduce the cost of communications, which ranks among the most expensive in the world.