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​Item no. ​​​Title ​
Byleveld – Dossier of a Serial Sleuth – Hanlie Retief (Umuzi, 2011)
Zoo City – Lauren Beukes ​
Johannesburg Ten Ahead – a decade of inner-city regeneration – Gerald Garner (Double G Media, 2011)
Fire Walker – edited by Oliver Barstow & Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (Fourthwall Books, 2011)
Diepsloot – Anton Harber (Jonathan Ball, 2011)
Spaces & Places Johannesburg Gerald Garner (Double G Media, 2010)
TJ / Double Negative by David Goldblatt and Ivan Vladislavic (Umuzi, 2010)
Gold in Graphite – Jozi Sketchbook by Zafrica Cabral and Somayya a.e (Kufica, 2010)
One hundred years of collecting: the Johannesburg Art Gallery – edited by Jillian Carman (Design>Magazine, 2010)
8115 A Prisoner's Home -
Alf Kumalo and Zukiswa Wanner (Penguin, 2010)
Writing the City into Being – Essays on Johannesburg 1998-2008 Lindsay Bremner (Fourthwall Books, 2010) 
The Inner City Photographs by Graeme Williams (Ravan, 2000) 
Joburg through my lens - Brian Koping (Brian Koping, 2006)
Soweto – Jodi Bieber (Jacana 2010)
Inside Joburg – 101 things to see and do - Nechama Brodie (Sharp Sharp Media & Pan Macmillan, 2010)
Woman, Trashed – Joanne Brodie (Penguin, 2009)
Eggs to lay, chickens to hatch – Chris van Wyk (Picador, 2010)
Johannesburg Transition: architecture & society from 1950 - Clive M Chipkin (STE Publishers, 2009)
Joburg! Towards 2010 (Affinity, 2008) 
The Joburg Book – a guide to the city's history, people & places (Pan Macmillan, 2008)
Alexandra: A History - Philip Bonner and Noor Nieftagodien (Wits University Press, 2008)
Art and Justice – the art of the Constitutional Court of South Africa (David Krut Publishing, 2008)
In the footsteps of Gandhi – an illustrated history of Johannesburg's Linksfield Ridge and environs - Alkis Doucakis (Colors, 2007)
The Small Matter of a Horse - the Life of 'Nongoloza' Mathebula, 1867-1948 - Charles van Onselen (Ravan, 1984)
Postcards from Soweto - Mokone Molete (Jacana, 2007)
Tales from Jozi - photographs by Jurgen Schadeberg (Protea, 2007) 
Portrait with Keys, Joburg & what-what - Ivan Vladislavic' (Umuzi, 2006)
Uplifting the Colonial Philistine - Jillian Carman (Wits University Press, 2006)
Light on the Hill, building the Constitutional Court of South Africa - Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (David Krut Publishing, 2006)
Joburg! The passion behind a city (Affinity, 2006)
Soweto '76, Reflections on the Liberation Struggle (Skotaville books, 2006)
​​Number Four – The Making of Constitution Hill (Penguin, 2006)
Jo'burg - Guy Tillim (STE Publishers, 2005)
Johannesburg, the making and shaping of the city - Keith Beavon (Unisa Press, 2004)
I remember King Kong (The boxer) - Denis Hirson (Jacana, 2004)
Johannesburg Circa Now - Terry Kurgan and Jo Ractliffe (2005)
Soweto Inside Out - Edited by Adam Roberts & Joe Thloloe (Pengiun, 2004)
People who have stolen from me - David Cohen (Picador Africa, 2004)
Shirley, Goodness and Mercy, a childhood memoir - Chris van Wyk (Picador Africa, 2004)
All Under Heaven, the story of a Chinese family in South Africa - Darryl Accone (David Philip, 2004)
When Johannesburg and I were young - Juliet Marais Louw (Amagi Books, 1991)
Gandhi's Johannesburg, birthplace of Satyagraha - Eric Itzkin (Witwatersrand University Press, 2000)
Johannesburg Style, Architecture and Society 1880s-1960s - Clive Chipkin (David Philip, 1993)
Johannesburg Portraits - Mike Alfred (Jacana, 2003)
​A Concise Historical Dictionary of Greater Johannesburg - Naomi and Reuben Musiker (Francolin, 2000)
From Jo'burg to Jozi, stories about Africa's infamous city - Heidi Holland & Adam Roberts (Penguin, 2002)
