The statistics below are those provided by the Census 2011 report compiled by Stats SA.
According to 2011 census the City of Johannesburg Local Municipality has a total population of 4,4 million of which 76,4% are black African, 12,3% are white people, 5,6% are coloured people, and 4,9% are Indian/Asian. Of those 20 years and older 3,4%have completed primary school, 32,4% have some secondary education, 34,9% have completed matric, 19,2% have some form of higher education, and 2.9% of those aged 20 years and older have no form of schooling.
Living Conditions
There is 1 434 856 households in the municipality with an average household size of 2,8 persons per household. 64,7% of households have access to piped water, 26,9% have water in their yard and only 1,4% of households do not have access piped water.
90,8% of households have access to electricity.