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2012 Archive
City Power Johannesburg: Prepayment Customers 
Implementation of the 2012/2013 Property Rates tariffs
Zola gets an Eco Park and Pedestrian 
City Power data collection and verification  ​
City of Johannesburg's response to SAPOA Judgement 
Skills development Internship Programme 
Call for nominations for Joburg Road Safety Council members 
Public notice calling for inspection of supplementary​ valuation roll and lodging of objections ​
​Calling for inspection of Suppleme​ntary Valuation Roll and lodging of objections
Closure of tenant accounts
Comment on Cosmo City Climate Proofing project
Comment on Rates Policy
e-Services site under construction 
​Exclusion zones and roads
​Forms for suppliers, vendors and service providers 
Illegal occupation and sale of vacant land 
Implementation of the 2012/2013 Property Rates tariffs
Inspection of supplementary valuation roll and lodging of objections 
Local authority notices 
Notice on the designation of commuter shelters in the City of Johannesburg 
Pensioners rates rebate 
​Public inspection 
Public Notice and Draft Contracts in terms of the Local Government Municipal Financial Management Act, NO. 56 of 2003​
​Public notice calling for inspection of supplementary valuation roll and lodging of objections​
Register on the City's Stakeholders' Database​
Services interupted due to indutrial action 
Skills development internship programme 
Traffic fines notice
Valuation roll
2012 Archive