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This page covers the Development Contributions Policy and Calculator which were approved by the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) Council in 2021. In 2021 the Department of Development Planning developed a Policy for charging Development Contributions with the aim of giving further effect to section 47(2) of the City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-Law (2016). The Policy provides guidelines for levying external engineering services contributions.

The DC Calculator is supposed to be readily available online for CoJ Residents, Investors and Developers to calculate estimated development contributions independently on their own. The DC Calculator will be accessed and available through the Joburg website via the E-service platform.

Land development has an impact on municipal engineering services, and for sustainable economic development, there is a need for every land development to contribute fairly and equitably towards the capital cost of the infrastructure being provided by the City of Johannesburg.

​Development Contributions Policy

To view the Approved CoJ’s Development Contributions Policy, click the link below:

Development Contributions Calculator

To make budgetary estimates and calculations of Development Contributions use our Spreadsheet Calculator. 
Click the link below to download the Development Contributions Calculator in the form of a Spreadsheet:

Development Contributions Manual

Click the link below to download the Development Contributions Calculator in form of a Spreadsheet:
Development Contributions Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) What are Development Contributions?

Development Contributions are a once-off charge paid by the developer towards the cost of capital infrastructure needed to meet the increased demand on existing and planned engineering services as a result of new land developments and/or intensified land uses.

2) What are the triggers for Development Contributions?

Development Contributions are triggered and payable at the time of the Land Development application which includes applications below. They are triggered only if there is an increased impact because of intensified Land Use. 
Subdivision and Consolidation applications

3) How are Development Contributions used? 

Development Contributions can only be used for capital funding of external engineering services and may not be used for maintenance and operational costs of municipal services. 

4) How are Development Contributions calculated?

The Development Contributions are calculated using the Spreadsheet Calculator downloaded from the link above. The calculation methodology is based on additional impact derived from the difference between proposed Land Use Rights from Existing Land Use Rights.