Event Management Unit
Provides the event organiser with a standard JOC checklist for compliance for a successful event;Assists with bookings for JOC presentations; and Assists with all queries related to events in the city.
Disaster Management Needs a floor plan of the venue with evacuation routes;
Issues a final approval for any temporary structure and confirmation of public liability insurance; On the day of the event, an incident report will be kept by the Venue Operations Centre (VOC); and Manages a file of the event and monitors progress.
City Parks
Assists with a list of park facilities and associated costs; Provides park wardens by application, if required; City Parks may provide a waste service – at a cost; All additional requirements - sanitation, water, temporary structure plans, etc – are the responsibility of the event organiser; and Parks should be left clean, tidy and undamaged; if not, City Parks will do the cleaning up and send the costs to the event organiser involved.
City Power
Checks if there are electricity supply points at the venue; Must be notified if a generator is to be used; If additional power is required, the necessary application form has to be filled in and the event organiser will get written confirmation of what will be done - apply for this 30 days before the event; Where no additional/temporary power is required, an inspector is sent to check for power/electrical compliance; City Power may refer the event organiser to Eskom, depending on the venue; and The event organiser has to pay for all costs upfront.
Emergency Management Services (EMS)
The event organiser has to supply EMS with the following: Any temporary or permanent structure to be erected, including site plans; A request for medical services, or an operational plan for medical assistance if a private company will be used; Requirements for collapsible fencing, flammable substances, compliance certificate for electrical work, plans for vehicles display in buildings, request for the allowance of open flames and pyrotechnics; Local hospitals are to be notified; A final certificate of compliance is issued prior to the event; Identify ambulance evacuation routes and helipads; Ensure all the necessary services are organised, such as fire engines, ambulances and response vehicles; An EMS form must be completed and submitted to the EMS office; and EMS payment must be done before the event.
Environmental Health Services
The event organiser must: Inform Environmental Health about the upcoming event; Produce a certificate of acceptability from caterers if food is to be served; Apply for exception to noise compliance if it is an open-air event; Have a waste management plan; State if all service providers are to have specific accreditation to enter the venue; Consult with Environmental Health on all of the following requirements: waste, water, sanitation and food; and Ensure that venues and accommodation establishments such as hotels have been approved.
Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA)
The JDA assists with the provision of venues.
Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD)
The event organiser must get an acknowledgement of application letter from the JMPD; A Notice under the Regulations of Gatherings Act must be completed; The metro police will identify general security needs and the Johannesburg police will specify security needs; JMPD provides traffic control on public roads; An indemnity form is to be completed and signed by the event organiser; JMPD has to have an application for an event 30 days before the date of the event; and JMPD assists with dry runs prior to big events, such as road races.
Johannesburg Water
Event organisers must make sure that there is adequate water for the event; and If a dedicated or additional water supply is required, Johannesburg Water has a number of options available that will be supplied on request.
Johannesburg Road Agency (JRA)
The JRA and JMPD work closely together once initial qualified approval has been given; and If road closures are required, a way leave application must be made, at a nominal fee.
Johannesburg Metropolitan Bus Services
Buses can be hired form Metrobus; Metrobus must be paid in advance; The event organiser must complete an indemnity form; Metrobus buses have passenger liability for their vehicles; and They are driven by Metrobus drivers with professional drivers permits (PDPs).
Pikitup is only responsible for public areas, i.e. streets; If more waste removal services are needed, these can be discussed with Pikitup’s waste management consulting service; but Should the event be held on private property and Pikitup does the waste removal, a fee is charged.
South African Police Service (SAPS)
The SAPS heads up the VOC on the day of the event; The SAPS must give the event organiser a confirmation letter stating that it is aware of the event; and If private security companies are used, the SAPS must be given a security plan.