City Parks runs education programmes throughout the year aimed at school children and disadvantaged communities.
Xtreme Park Makeover
xtreme-logo.gif Johannesburg City Parks set a world record in 2007 by creating the first park developed in just 24 hours. Now Xtreme Park Makeover is an annual City Parks event, held to mark World Environment Week. The idea behind the project is to create hype and excitement about developing green open spaces in the city. It aims to garner private-sector support for the development of green open spaces and create marketing opportunities and raises awareness about greening. The idea is similar to the well-known television series, Extreme Makeover Home.
- Pimville Xtreme Park
- Read more about Xtreme Park Makeover
- Read more about how your company can support Xtreme Park Makeovers
Greening Soweto, a 2010 World Cup legacy project, aims to see the planting of more than 200 000 trees in South Africa's biggest township. Launched in September 2006 by Executive Mayor Amos Masondo, the objective is to turn Soweto into an urban forest.
The project, dubbed Joburg's "biggest greening revolution", has been endorsed by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as well as by the World Conservation Union. Various partners have been working with the City to implement Greening Soweto, including the Airports Company of South Africa , Talk Radio 702 , Rand Water and former South African Formula One ace, Jody Scheckter. The governments of Norway and Denmark have also contributed more than R2-million toward the programme.
Greening Soweto was a winner at the prestigious Liveable Communities (LivCom) Awards , organised by the United Nations, in London in November 2007. The programme received a merit gold award in the natural built project category together with the Regional Ivory Park and the Thokoza Park/Moroko Dam rehabilitation project.
- Read more about Greening Soweto
- Read more about becoming a Greening Soweto partner
International Day of the Disabled
wheelchairredHeld on 3 December every year, the International Day of the Disabled draws attention to the needs of those with disabilities, from creating an awareness of the rights of the disabled to the physical, emotional and mental support required.
City Parks has turned this day into a flagship event, linking its approach to open space development with its corporate social responsibility programmes. It is also determined to create parks that cater for those with disabilities and is committed to implementing these policies, programmes and projects to support access for the disabled.
Klipspruit: Klip River rehabilitation and greening
The rehabilitation and greening of Klipspruit is one of the City's 2010 Fifa World Cup legacy projects. The Klipspruit - Klip River project is aimed at increasing the overall quality of the Klip River and Klipspruit catchment area and ensuring an improved outdoor recreation space for all citizens. Work is being done to clean up the riverbanks, remove rubble and refuse, and manage the growth of reeds.
"The project's vision is to transform the dry and dusty landscape of Soweto into a green and vibrant corridor, conducive to healthy living. The targets we have set for ourselves involve the upgrading and development of parks, beautifying of road islands and sidewalks and planting of over 60 000 trees to restore the Klip River wetland system," Mayor Amos Masondo said at the project's launch in 2007. "The project is about the creation of a living network of greenways and open spaces. It is about providing people with access to open spaces closer to where they live."
This project is of great importance for the whole of Gauteng because the river flows into the Vaal system, which provides the domestic water for all consumers in the province. The project prioritises the functionality of the wetlands to ensure a better quality of water from this system. As the project integrates ecological issues with social requirements, it will ensure that both nature and the people benefit.
The intention is that Klipspruit will develop into a green lung with new opportunities for research and leisure along the banks.
World Environment Week
Johannesburg City Parks actively participates in World E nvironment Week, which takes place every year during the week of 5 June, World Environment Day. Established by the United Nations in 1972, World Environment Day aims to encourage people to live sustainably and equitably, to promote awareness and understanding that communities play a central role in changing attitudes towards environmental issues, and to develop partnerships that will ensure that nations enjoy a better quality of life.
Outdoor Gyms
City Parks has opened outdoor gyms in disadvantaged communities, aimed at encouraging people to adopt a healthy lifestyle.