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Business Licence Officer
Tel: 011 226 8327
Environmental Health Services
Tel: 011 226 8300
Fax: 011 474 6707 
Noise and Air Pollution Control
Environmenta​l Health Building
Tel: 011 226 8300
Fax: 011 474 6707 
Metropolitan Public Safety and Emergency Service - Fire Safety
Tel: 011 407 6374/5
Fax: 011 339 1532 
(R195.00 inspection fee is payable with any new applications)
Urban Planning Unit
Tel: 011 407 6231 
Fax: 011 339 3368
Building Control Unit
Tel: 011 761 0472
Fax: 011 472 3483 
Registrar of Companies
Contact the Registrar of Companies to register as a company. 
Tel: 0861 843 384
Fax: 0861 843 888
Liquor licences
To apply for a liquor licence, contact the liquor officer at your nearest police station or the Liquor Board:
Matlotlo House
94 Main Street, cnr of Harrison Street
Tel: 011 355 8099
Fax: 011 355 8083
Music Rights
You also must apply to the South African Music Rights Organisation (SAMRO) to play any kind of music.
20 De Korte Street
Tel: 011 712 8000
Fax: 011 403 1934
Street Traders
Contact the Johannesburg Metro Police Department (Hawker Unit)
Metro Police Offices
Cnr Village and Loveday roads
Block F, Room 20
Tel: 011 490 1765/77
Fax: 011 490 1665
The City's ​Policy on Business Licences
The City of Johannesburg's policy is set out in a number of annexures Click here.
