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MMC Sifumba supports the Development and Transformation of School Rugby
Mayor Mashaba, Premier Makhura, and MMC launch October Transport Month ​
MMC Sifumba disappointed with Councillors’ refusal to participate in #AReSebetseng​
Mayor Mashaba launches October Transport Month, and R140 Million completed M1 project
Inner City revitalisation–Mashaba tours buildings marked for housing development​
MMC Michael Sun accepts unreserved apology from Cosatu
CoJ Bursary Applications for 20​18 academic year now open
Mayor Mashaba conducts visit to implement inner city housing plan
Rugby Week​
​​​Residents in Joburg cautioned regarding the outbreak of Avian Influenza (H5N8)
Joburg’s most Anticipated Book Sale
City of Joburg honours young Artists
​​City welcomes court judgement concerning JMPD officer found guilty of corruption
Mayor Mashaba joins National Field Band Foundation 20-year celebration
456 new title deeds delivered to the residents of Lufhereng
Johannesburg is Africa’s most visited city in the Mastercard Global Destination Cities Index​
City condemns threats to destroy Don Matemann Hall​
Suspect arrested for billing fraud
Johannesburg Water welcomes the new Manager for Marketing & Communication
Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo announced as a 2017 National Business Awards Finalist
Joburg’s most Anticipated Book Sale
​Snow White the Ballet at Job​urg Theatre​
City to induct additional 1500 JMPD officers
ANC Councillor Arrested for Fraud and Corruption
ANC must clarify where they stand on corruption once and for all​
City welcomes 1500 new JMPD trainee officers​
City holds ​meeting with Eldorado Park Community on drug abuse​
City challenges Home Affairs over failure to address illegal immigration
Institutional review – City resolves tender dispute
Mayor Mashaba to sign pledge with stakeholders supporting A Re Sebetseng
Polio vaccinations available during clinic extended hours
We are committed to turning the tide against crime in Joburg​
A Re Sebetseng: City takes another positive step towards achieving a clean Joburg​
Mayor Mashaba commemorates one year anniversary of extended operating hours at Princess Clinic
Mashaba welcomes African Diaspora Forum’s decision to join case against Home Affairs​
Extended Hours: Princess Clinic provide healthcare to 24 000 residents
All the summer merriment at the Joburg City Theatres​
02 arrested for property hijacking in Kenilworth​
Cable theft causes power disruption at Museum Africa​
City holds press conference on R80 million stolen City Power infrastructure​
Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo is ready for the peak season​
​​City employee appears in court on charges of fraud and corruption
Mayor Mashaba digs deep to fund extension of service hours in City clinics​​
A call to transform and revitalise the inner city​
On the brink of collapse- Mashaba to brief media on strategy to address infrastructure crisis​
03 arrested after City’s raid on Hijacked Buildings​
​​CoJ has increased ESP income threshold to align with Consumer Price Index​
Another arrested made for the illegal sale of City owned land​
The true state of infrastructure challenges in the City of Joburg​
City to host second Inner City Partnership Forum​
Residents told about social infrastructure being built in Region A
Criminal Councillors still on ANC payroll​
​City Power launch pilot project aimed at reducing turn-around time for unplanned interruptions
Another property hijacker arrested in Cleveland​
​Popular actress Lerato Mvelase joins the cast of 'The Colour Purple'​
City partners with private investors to transform and revitalise the inner city​
​ANC tables another frivolous motion of no confidence​
​​Suspect arrested for assault on JMPD Officer​
City calls on residents to reduce water consumption​
Protect City’s sewer and sanitation infrastructure​
Online register to preserve City’s heritage​
JMPD discover 42 bodies transported in open trailer on M1
Home Affairs must produce plan to address illegal immigration by 24 November 2017​
City looks forward to third A Re Sebetseng city-wide clean-up​
11 arrested after City’s raid on Hijacked Properties
Inner City Partners on a mission to deliver affordable housing​
Hoërskool Oosterlig wins the City’s first online Geography competition
City makes arrests in IT nerve centre sabotage​
Tip-off leads to arrest of five suspects for theft and damage to property​​
City cancels corrupt R161 million fire engine contract
JMPD to welcome 232 new graduates​
​Inner City declared open for business – Mayor Mashaba engages key investors
Two more suspects arrested for theft and damage to property​
JMPD to welcome 215 new graduates​
City hands back 3 hijacked properties to owners
Major burst pipe on the main supply
​​05 arrested after City’s raid on Hijacked Properties
​​​Vandalism, theft and illegal mining – A threat to roads infrastructure and public safety
City to engage Department of Mineral Resources on illegal mining​
26 additional stakeholders to pledge support to A Re Sebetseng​
Mayor Mashaba to lead oversight inspection on water burst pipe​
Mashaba welcomes African Diaspora Forum’s decision to join case against Home Affairs​
Opinion piece by Cllr Vasco da Gama, Speaker of Council We have brought shame on ourselves as men and we need to fix it​

​26 additional stakeholders pledge support ahead of third city-wide A Re Sebetseng clean-up​​
​​City will fight ANC’s attempt to undo Change​
Musical tribute to Gibson Kente 
City gears for new SME hubs
City investigates Pikitup's R36 millionn waste crusher 
​Joburg Water update on Sandton main line repairs and landfill excavation 
City wishes customers Happy Holidays 
Mayor Mashaba​​​ commemorates one year anniversary of extended operating hours at Princess Clinic
City opens new cemetery in the South of Joburg
Lenasia South Library temporary closed due to heavy rainfall
City of Johannesburg improving its e-services website
05 arrested after City’s raid on Hijacked Properties​
MMC Sifumba wishes South African Masters and Football Legends well ahead of soccer tournament 
​City successfully hosts a Labour Lekgotla
City’s Disaster Management Department ready for heavy rainfall​
City takes golf to the people - Soweto Country Club sod turning ceremony​
​City Power terminates contract with Setheo Engineering​
City partners with Avis to fence area around creche as part of A Re Sebetseng​
Invitation to the Universal Access Expo in commemoration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities​
Four suspects arrested for robbery and murder in Hillbrow
Major golf powers join together to support Soweto rebirth
City to launch Festive Season Safety Campaign​
City activates Outbreak Response Teams to fight spread of Listeriosis​
Building hijacking kingpin and accomplice sentenced in court​
Mayor Mashaba launch Festive Season Safety Campaign​
​​Joburg Property Company scoops International Service Award
31 arrested aft​er City’s raid on Hijacked Properties
Structural collapse in illegally occupied factory leads to death of two children​​
Department of Public Safety joins Lenasia Action Group to clear rock on N12​​
City's Revenue Customer Service Centres operating hours for the December/January holiday period​
​Illegal immigration: City to establish joint committee with Department of Home Affairs​
Transport Festive Season Message​
Member of the public arrested for electricity theft
City Power contractor officials arrested for fraud
Public pools set to close due to chemical shortage
​City’s GFIS Unit probes Ennerdale Clinic robbery​

​Media Statements​