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​​Failure to pay for services

faill.jpg​The City is taking a tough line on non-payment of accounts.

If the balance brought forward on your latest account reflects an overdue amount, you are already scheduled for a cut-off with our credit control process because your account is 30 days overdue. You will receive a final demand notice prior to receiving your latest account. You have to pay your account within 14 days of this final demand notice being posted to avoid cut-off. Check all the details on the disconnection notice to ensure that the notice relates to your property.

If you do not respond to the disconnection notice within seven days, we will cut-off your municipal utility services. In this instance you will have to settle the full outstanding amount before services will be reinstated. This can only be done at Thuso House Customer Service Centre, 61 Jorissen Street, Braamfontein.